Eight years ago I woke up to a picture of the newest love in my life. Miss Elsie came in like a bang and has been leaving her spark for the past 8 years. At first, she wanted to do her yearly pictures at Chick Fil A, but after some thought, she decided to do it at home instead. Every year I ask the girls what the girls want to wear and she said: “I want unicorn pajamas”. So that is exactly what I bought her. We also went to Build a Bear for her pay your age bear (not pictured in the blog).
Elsie loves to be a hermit and hang out at home so it made perfect sense. I was able to take some of her favorite toys and book to show what she was into during this time. We also dd some outside because she loves going outside and exploring (on her own terms of course).
Happy Birthday,Elsie Jane I hope this year is full of alone time and outdoor adventures.
Love “Auny” Raina